I aim to give Australian farmers access to innovative agricultural products that are not available in Australia.

Stuart McLaren - founder


my story

It all started with my father, John McLaren, who ran for 50 years one of the largest agricultural contracting businesses in Essex, UK. My father had a passion for cultivation machinery and was driven by innovation and development. He even helped develop some of the early Moore drills in the late 70’s.

After growing up in the farm and learning from my father, I moved to Australia and worked for a large machinery dealership in Gippsland Victoria, predominantly a pasture based dairy area. I then purchased my own farm in the local area and experienced first-hand the differences of farming practices between the 2 countries and identified areas of improvement.

My idea when creating Seeding Solutions Victoria was to give Australian farmers access to innovative agricultural products that are not available in Australia. Today I am the exclusive importer of the Moore Uni-drill and I have also recently added the Güttler Greenmaster to my catalogue.

Introducing the Moore Unidrill to my farm made a tremendous difference in how I cultivate, allowing me to save time and money every season.
— John Smith, Happy Farmer


  • Expert advice on machinery equipment for grassland pastures.

  • Exclusive importer of the Moore Unidrill.

  • Exclusive importer of the Güttler Greenmaster.

  • Brokerage of used machinery, with a large catalogue and network of farmers.

  • Import & freight services allowing us to bring to Australia any machinery as per our customers needs.